Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easter Festivities

We had such a great Easter with Trish's Mom and Dad and her Aunt and Uncle Deb and John coming up to visit us and Landon for a long weekend.  Trish made Easter Brunch on Saturday morning and that afternoon we all went for a hike up to Powder Mills Park in Victor.  Trish's Mom stayed over till Easter (we missed church :-(  but we did go out and enjoy the beautiful day at the lake.  We wrapped up the weekend with dying Easter Eggs.  Landon slept through the majority of all of these activities but we did manage to get some pictures of him awake.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Landon is 3 Months Old!!

Believe it or not, Landon just turned 3 months old!! He is growing like a weed, at last weigh in he was 13lbs 8oz. He is now able to bat at toys in front of him, he rolls onto his side, and is starting to lift his head to a 90 degree angle and raise onto his forearms. It is so amazing to watch him grow and learn new things everyday. It's sometimes a little bit of a challenge to find new ways to stimulate his growing mind, but we love thinking of creative ways to play with him...hence the volleyball practice video lol. We have an absolute blast with him and he has definitely changed our world for the better. We have been experiencing some unseasonably warm weather with a few days getting up into the low 80's . We've definitely taken full advantage of the beautiful weather and have walked him down to the lake and around Canandaigua every nice day so far. We even kicked off the "summer" early with a couple of campfires. We discovered that the baby monitor reaches out into the yard so we can still have some fun even after his bedtime :) We got Landon baptized on March 4th down at Nelson's Church in Athens Pa. It was such a blessing for us that his Grandpop could perform his baptism. Landon has been a very busy boy meeting all of his family and friends...he has been to Sayre to visit Grammy and Grandpop & Church Family, Selinsgrove to visit uncle John, Bloomsburg to visit Don, Betty & Marion, Syracuse to visit Shawn & Sarah, and Marathon to see Grandma & Grandpa and the Hoyt Family. He went to his very first Maple Fest...and slept through most of it, but he did get his picture taken with a bottle of real maple syrup. While we were down for the festival my parents planned a surprise party for me so Landon got to meet Auntie Margaret & Uncle Roger, Karen & Kaysee Wilson, Sarah & Ava Owens (Ava is his future girlfriend), Andrea & Makayla Noyes, Dirk & Shirley Ellitott, and Jeanne and Kyle Garner.*(Deb, John, Heather, Nikki, and Chris were there too, but Landon has met them before)* Now we are home from our travels and love relaxing a little bit :) Anyway, here are some pictures from the past few weeks that document his busy little life so far.