Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Landon's Nursery Ready to Go

Trish and I have been hard at work this fall getting everything in this "spare bedroom" changed into a nursery and ready for it's new inhabitant.  This room used to be painted an awful cranberry color and was usually filled with junk that we didn't know where else to put.  Our friend's Dave and Lindsay even nicknamed this room the "Pots and Pans Room".  All that is behind us now and I think that Landon will be very cozy and comfortable in his new digs.

Halloween Pumpkin Carving

Baby Landon to be's first Halloween pumpkin carving.  Trish is 31 weeks pregnant here. She's got a little pumpkin of her own in her belly :-)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Our first diaper change

I just want to say that Trish and I had such a great time at the baby shower!!! Thank you everybody for adding to the enjoyment of the occasion.  Have to share this little fact. This is the very first diaper that either Trish or I have changed.  We may have done it quickly but I don't think a real baby would have faired so well :-) It was good practice though.

29 Weeks and counting!!!

It's hard to believe that its been 29 weeks already in Trisha's first pregnancy.  It seems just like yesterday that Trish and I... and Ciara (our golden) watched that tester read Pregnant.  And I have to say that I haven't felt butterflies like that since Trish and I met for the first time.  I never expected the flood of emotions that would ensue. Nor would I expect the diligence that we would show in preparing for this wondrous occasion.  As most of you know Trish and I do not put a ton of preparation into most things that we do.  We prefer to just enjoy life as it happens. But this event has changed things for us for the better. And with every passing day we wait with anticipation of that day that we welcome Landon David into this world and we want him to feel, more than anything, that he is loved and taken care of .
Here are Landon's first pictures taken 9 weeks ago